Cigars 101: Cutting, Lighting, Caring for your cigars (OP Location)
Buffalo Cigars is pleased to bring back its very popular Buffalo Cigars 101 Series. In this 3 part series, we offer newer cigar smokers an opportunity to get a basic understanding of what goes into making the handmade cigars we love, as well as some of the jargon we use when talking about them. But there is plenty of meat here for the experienced cigar enthusiast too. Our expert, experienced instructors will demonstrate their craft and entertain you. (Free! No rsvp required, you are welcome to attend any or all classes that fit your schedule)
- Fri 3/29 Cutting, Lighting, Caring for your cigars
- Place: Downtown
- Time 6-7pm
- Instructor: Certified Tobacconist Ed Kuffel
This will be a very practical study of some of the things that we have control of in enjoying a handmade cigar, including cutting, lighting, storing and caring for your cigars. Doing these things right can greatly enhance your experience while lack of care in any of these areas can detract heavily from it. This is a must attend for newer smokers and we guarantee even experienced cigar enthusiasts will take away some sage advice from this presentation.