Flatbed Cigar Co. Event
Join us for an exclusive Flatbed Cigar Co. Event hosted by Jeff Dascenzo this Friday night!
Flatbed Cigar Company takes an old-school approach to the cigar business. Their philosophy is… “put all the money into tobacco. If we focus on making great cigars they will sell themselves over time. It’s working… with ratings of 90, 91 , 93 and 95 across our blends.”
Flatbed’s first cigar, Panacea Black Natural was introduced to smoke shops in October of 2007. Since then, Panacea is now in over 125 stores and growing steadily.
Visit the Buffalo Cigar Club on Friday, August 23rd to learn all about the Flatbed brand and discover many of their featured products. We’ll have free food and a fully stocked bar during the event. Don’t miss it!