Buffalo Cigars, WNY’s finest cigar shop and lounge, has added the services of a full-time cigar roller. Starting November 1, 2017, Nicolas Martinez, from Santiago, Dominican Republic, will be rolling premium cigars at the Buffalo Cigars shop and at events around Western New York.
Nicolas began rolling cigars at the age of 16 in his homeland of the Dominican Republic and during his almost 40 years of cigar rolling has worked for some of the most well-respected cigar manufacturers in the world, including La Flor Dominicana & Tabacalera del Norte. After moving to the United States, he continued to work as a master cigar roller in between his time as Class A baseball player in North Carolina and a year of professional baseball in Columbia. Nicolas traveled all over the country, working at Little Cigar Factory in Long Island, Portes Cigars in NYC, La Casa Grande Cigars in the Bronx and spent over 11 years at the Cigar Factory New Orleans. He now resides in Orchard Park and works full time for Buffalo Cigars.
In addition to sponsoring the VIP experience, Ventura Cigar Company will also have a regular vendor table set up alongside vendors such as XIKAR, Altadis, General Cigars & others.
“We are very pleased and fortunate to have someone with the experience and skill that Nicolas possesses, right here in Buffalo. He brings something highly unique and valuable to cigar enthusiasts around WNY. This will set us apart from our competition”, said Glen Smith, Proprietor.
In conjunction with bringing Nicolas in, Buffalo Cigars now offers comprehensive cigar rolling services for events including weddings, golf outings, stag parties, barbeques, corporate meetings, and more. Contact Megan Gordon directly for event pricing and availability.